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Proper colony management ​
  • helps to ensure the health and stability of the colony,
  • reduces nuisance behaviors,
  • promotes cooperation between the colony caretaker, property owner(s), and neighbors, 
  • reduces the likelihood that Animal Control will become involved.
silhouette of walking cat with its tail up and content

Colony Management

Guidelines from FFF for people who are already taking care of a colony of cats and have questions about how to manage the colony to better care for and protect the cats.  Also helpful for people thinking about becoming a colony caretaker. 

guidelines for

two community cats eating food given by their colony caretaker
Guidelines for Colony Management



  • Perform TNR on all cats in the colony

  • Provide food and water daily

  • Keep the feeding area clean, covering muddy areas with pine needles.

  • Provide adequate shelter

  • Obtain prompt veterinary treatment for any cats that are ill or injured.  Contact FFF for assistance with treatment costs.

  • Have an alternate caretaker for times when you go on vacation or are ill. 

  • Use humane methods to keep members of your colony from visiting areas where they are not welcome.

the occasional

friendly feral

While FFF does not have an adoption program or a way to rehome/relocate cats, sometimes a friendly feral shows up at a colony.


Relocation can be extremely dangerous for cats that are not well socialized with people, so it is important make sure a seemingly friendly feral really is a good candidate for adoption. 

Friendly Feral

If a tame cat appears

at your colony, attempt to locate its owner if possible. If the owner is not found or is uninterested in providing a suitable home, and if the cat does not appear to be adapting to outdoor life, try to find an adoptive home.

community cat that appears friendly
Tame community cats


feral kittens

If captured young enough, feral kittens are often easily tamed. It is important to follow our guidelines and all the steps in the taming process. 


Taming can take 2 - 6 weeks depending on their age and state of wildness. Individuals can differ greatly in temperament even within the same litter.   Any person attempting to tame kittens should be totally committed and patient. The taming process is certainly worthwhile. You are saving lives and producing affectionate loving companions.

Taming Feral Kittens


for your colony

  • Decide on a fundraiser to want to plan and hold. Suggestions for simple fundraisers are yard sales and bake sales.

  • Contact your FFF representative to get approval to hold a fundraiser in FFF's name.

  • FFF will provide you with literature about FFF to have at your event.

  • Funds you raise at your event will be turned over to FFF and will be earmarked for your colony.

Colony Fundraising

Together We Can Make a Difference!

All donations to FFF are tax deductible

​© 2018 Forgotten Felines of Forsyth

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Forgotten Felines of Forsyth


P.O. Box 11363

Winston-Salem, NC 27116

Wix site created by dragonflysky

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